A Nurturing Environment


Children need to learn at their own pace and have the creative and nurturing environment to support their growth. Our staff and curriculum provide an incredibly nurturing environment that leads to success.



At Sprouts of Joy Daycare, we believe that children create their own meanings to the world around them. They are born ready and eager to learn! As caregivers and teachers, it is our responsibility to be facilitators of learning and enhance children’s development. By creating enriching experiences and activities, we can meet the needs of each child. We have developed a program that is child-centered and promotes the growth and development of the child with age-appropriate activities. Our mission focuses on helping children develop the necessary skills that will be the basis for future learning and prepare them for kindergarten. The children at Sprouts of Joy Daycare will learn through exploration, discovery, hands-on activities and most importantly-play. Because play is what children do best!


Call 1-773-384-4087

Email info@sproutofjoydaycare.com